In 2022, »Zukünfte gestalten – Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.« was published in German by Verlag Hermann Schmidt. The book by Eileen Mandir and myself was developed out of our experience with clients, students and from self-initiated projects. While speculative and critical design approaches become increasingly known in the design world and beyond, the practice lacked something to take it out of the gallery into the realm of applied design projects. In our option, it needed: 1. a robust theory that creates trust among the recipients and clients and 2. a framework in which the created discourse leads to action and in which designing possible futures becomes a participatory activity – in a time when Design is becoming more strategic as a discipline, moving away from ‘making things beautiful’ to ‘thinking creatively’.
Now in 2024, the book has been translated into English and Japanese and is becoming widely used by creatives in design, foresight, and by change agents. Riel Miller, the pioneer of futures literacy at Unesco wrote a wise foreword:
… see Designing Futures as part of a wave of responses that are altering the conditions of change by cultivating futures literacy. Enabling people to embrace anticipation both for the future and for emergence. Nurturing the balance between repetition and difference that is a prerequisite for reconciling humanity with the always evolving openness and indeterminacy of our creative universe. Plunge, then, into the voyage of discovery Designing Futures offers. Play and practise with the tools and guidance it outlines. Savour the pleasure of extrapolating the past and finding novel meanings in the present. Enhance your comprehension of the diverse, constantly changing worlds that are within, between and outside us. Have fun.”
“… see Designing Futures as part of a wave of responses that are altering the conditions of change by cultivating futures literacy. Enabling people to embrace anticipation both for the future and for emergence. Nurturing the balance between repetition and difference that is a prerequisite for reconciling humanity with the always evolving openness and indeterminacy of our creative universe. Plunge, then, into the voyage of discovery Designing Futures offers. Play and practise with the tools and guidance it outlines. Savour the pleasure of extrapolating the past and finding novel meanings in the present. Enhance your comprehension of the diverse, constantly changing worlds that are within, between and outside us. Have fun.”
»Designing Futures – Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing and negotiating future scenarios.« with foreword by Riel Miller, published by Laurence King / Quercus / Hachette, 2024. ISBN 978-1529435054
このウェブサイトは、書籍 “『デザイン・フューチャリング 未来を探り、変化に導く思考ツール』with foreword by Mizuno Daijiro, published by BNN, 2024. ISBN 978-4802513050
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