Design Futuring is a new field of activity for designers whose central missiom is to enable stakeholders from all areas of society to imagine and negotiate different (desirable) futures using the tools of design.
The focus of the book is on designing future scenarios that are tangible emotionaly, intellectualy and physically in order to motivate decision-makers from business, politics and society to take action. In a structured creative process, various thinking tools enable an analytical and systematic examination of many different future scenarios. Different creativity methods expand the imagination for “better” future scenarios that portray the everyday lives of ordinary people.
Because the one seemingly inevitable future does not exist.
The main ideas of the book:
Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Hardcover, 256 pages, size 17 × 24.4 cm.
The book has currently been translated to English and Japanese and available under the title Designing Futures.
Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Hardcover, 256 Seiten, Format 17 × 24,4 cm, 2. Auflage 2024, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz.